
Can I Sue After An Auto Accident?

How can I sue after an auto accident? My friend crashed into my car and it was her second time. She wasn’t using a cell phone and we were on an uneven road. How can I get her compensation?

In conditions you can sue after an auto accident

You can sue after an auto accident, but it may take some time. First, you need to contact a car accident attorney in your area who handles these types of cases. Then, he or she will determine whether you have a case, and if so, how much you should be paid.

In many cases, personal injury lawyers handle these types of cases. If you are not a regular lawyer, however, you will need to find a private investigator (PI). An investigator will determine whether or not you have a case and will prepare the necessary documents to file. If you have an insurance policy, the insurance company will want proof that you were not at fault for the accident. Therefore, the PI will help you obtain that proof.

The PI will then interview you and any witnesses. If you have any audio or video recording from the accident, the PIs will need to review those as well. Then, depending upon your personal injury claim, your Saint Petersburg Car Accident Lawyer will file paperwork with the court. At that point, you will have an opportunity to recover damages from whoever is responsible for the accident.

If your personal injury claim involves an insurance claim, you will probably be given a date of a trial. That date will probably be about a month after the accident. However, if it is a personal injury case, the court may hold a jury trial. You will need to be ready to testify at this time. Some cases do not require a jury trial, but instead a settlement amount. Before any settlement amount is reached, the case will be heard by the judge.

You may think that you are in the clear if no one gets hurt in the car accident. However, personal injury lawyers make that argument many times. If you file a claim for medical bills, pain and suffering, missed work wages, and other types of damages, you may be able to get twice the settlement you would get just from settling with the insurance company. After all, the insurance companies only offer a small percentage of the settlement when there is a personal injury claim.

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