
Employment Rights For Immigrants And Individuals With Criminal Records

The job market should be a level playing field where candidates are evaluated based on their skills and qualifications, not personal characteristics. Discrimination in the workplace is not just unfair, but it is also unlawful. Being aware of the legal protections available is key to protecting your rights as an employee.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces various federal statutes designed to prevent job discrimination. These laws cover a range of protected characteristics, including race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, and genetic information. The EEOC aims to ensure that all employment decisions are based on individual merit and not prejudiced by irrelevant personal attributes.

For immigrant workers, protections against discrimination based on national origin are in place. The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) specifically addresses discriminatory practices related to citizenship status and national origin, particularly during the hiring process and employment eligibility verification.

Initiatives such as Ban-the-Box and Fair Chance Hiring policies are in place to reduce discrimination against individuals with past criminal convictions, restricting when employers can ask about an applicant’s criminal history.

If you require further guidance on employment rights or need to take action against workplace discrimination, you should consult the infographic provided for more comprehensive information.

Infographic created by Sanchez & Baltazar Attorneys, Experienced Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorney

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